Thursday, September 1, 2011

KID POWER: Success Course coming up!

Our first of many KID POWER courses are coming up and this one is called the Success Course for earning A+ Grades.  To start off with, I, Josh Hayhurst, work with a non-profit organization called Personal Achievement Academy.  What's cool about it is that we do courses for the community for free - we don't charge to host these events.  PAA schools are all over the world and they work with kids, adults, and the school systems.  Other organizations use PAA instructors to inspire families like churches, boy scouts, cub scouts, girl scouts, and 4-H.  Now, let me tell you a little about the Success Course for A+ Grades!

This class is very exciting because the instructors are going to inspire the kids to try their best in school by using martial arts techniques as motivation.  I don't mean we're going to teach them how to kick and punch and use it on their friends and family members, we're going to have a class where the kids learn something completely new from instructors that they'll love while we teach the life skills that parents have been telling them all along!  Here are the life skills that we are going to teach the students:

Aim for your goals!
Act like an A Student!
Attitude - try your best!
Attention - 3 rules of Focus!
Awesome: BE AWESOME!
Always study hard
Achieve the grade you want

See how the students will learn the Straight A's to becoming an All star student?  There is nothing like this in our community and the instructors from PAA-Elkton are really excited to share it with everyone.  To register, call the YMCA in Elkton.  They charge $25 for this one-hour course if you are not a member of PAA-Elkton or ATA Martial Arts in Elkton, MD.  There are two class times - one is 11am and one is 12:30pm.  Register right away because there is only 50 kids allowed per class!  See you there!

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