The actual definition of a resolutions is a determination for something. Over the years, that definition has actually become - something that I want and dream about. What is the missing link? Action, of course! The hardest part of achieving our goal is the work it takes to do so. The work is something new for everyone - if it was something we are already doing or are used to doing, well, then we'd already have achieved the goal, right? Experience my exercise in focusing on your goal and achieving it! I'm going to use the example of "I want to lose 20 lbs" as my goal for my exercise. We all fail at achieving our goals sometimes - try these Skills to become more efficient in goal-getting:
Skill #1 - Don't become "disenchanted"
Starting out, I decide that I'm going to eat more fruits and vegetables and get rid of the snacks in my house that are messing up my diet. Then, I sign up for an exercise class so I can work out a little bit to go along with my good diet. Then, I eat some junk food and I slip into the "one bag of M&Ms isn't so bad..." mindset (but I really feel guilty about it) and then miss one or two of my exercise classes (and feel guilty about it). I make excuses to cure the guilt - I can't stand life without chocolate, I eat good all the time, it's ok and I was really busy and worked extra, plus I'm sore, that class doesn't fit my schedule. One of these days I'm going to get into a new class that fits my schedule better.
Here's how to change this up: First off, you have to expect the possibility of wanting some M&Ms and missing a class here and there, don't feel guilty about it. You should commit to the better diet and workout class and make sure that you don't set yourself up for failure. Every once in a while, you can reward yourself with a little candy! Just because you missed a class doesn't mean your done - set a goal to make the next one... Which leads us to skill #2:
Skill #2 - Set your big goal (lose 20lbs) and plan out the smaller checkpoints along the way
Think of it like this: Start off by setting a goal date - let's say Thanksgiving 2012. That's 20 lbs down in 12 months. That would mean about 1.6lbs per month. I want to set a goal this month by losing 2 lbs.
Plan out how you are going to lose 2 lbs each month by planning what you're going to do each week and each day. A little bit each day adds up to a lot of progress over the week/ month/ year. The best thing about this plan - you get to reward yourself when you reach your goal (just don't do something that's going to mess up your goal!)
Skill #3 - Unreasonable commitment
The commitment side is obvious but what you'll need is an unreasonable commitment. That means that you will not let reasons and circumstance ruin the commitment you set. The goal you want to achieve out weighs any reasons that you can create for not achieving it. Tell your friends and family your goals, post it on facebook, add it to your voicemail message, be creative and make sure everyone knows that you're going to be a different person in a few months! Stick to your plan and be commited. But with that, there is one more Skill you must have...
Skill #4 - Be honest with yourself.
This is something that is tough for some to understand but I'm going to do my best. Some people will not achieve their goals because they aren't honest with themselves. They have every intention of achieving it and they really want the results but they are scared of failing. What if you tell all your friends, change your facebook status and voicemail message and then you don't do it? What if you try and it "just doesn't work." For most people, changing diet and exercise with an unreasonable commitment is all you need. But I hear that there is a glandular problem, injury, health issues, etc. There is always a reason for not achieving your goal (that's why we call it UNREASONABLE). Be honest and go for it, don't be afraid of failing! Fail your butt off but be honest about it. "I failed because I didn't try hard enough," "I failed because I couldn't do it on my own and I was too scared to ask for help," "I failed because I didn't follow the plan I came up with." If the goal is still important to you, regroup, don't make the same mistake twice, and get what you aim for! Here are some last resources for you:
Nutrition Supplements: HERBALIFE at Elkton Nutrition: and many other health clubs around Cecil County and New Castle County
Workout, Exercise for people that want to do it alone and life heavy weights: Body Force Fitness: in North East or Elkton, MD - we like this one because the owners are regular people that understand weird schedules, ability levels, and care about getting the results we want.
Exercise for people that want something fun that they'll actually STICK with: ATAfit Program at ATA Elkton
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