Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Upcoming events as of 8-13-13

Thanks for being a goal getter and a member of ATA Elkton!  Here are some things you should know about what's coming up in the next few weeks:

August 17th - We're going to try again for Mobile Dojo at Elk Mills Park.  As long as we get a few good days of sunshine, it'll be on.  Check our Facebook Page or give us a call if you are unsure.  Remember, the Weather Channel App is what we go by!

August 28th - Adult Belt Promotions from 7:15pm-8:00pm.  Get registered this week.  We are ordering belts on Friday!

August 31st - Belt Promotions for everyone else!  10am: Tiny Tigers, 12pm: Juniors, 2:30pm: Red/Black and Black Belts.  We will be closed September 2nd for administrative purposes.

September 14th - Legends of Chima Parents Night Out: This "Parent's Night Out" style event is a bracket tournament to see which tribe will control the Sacred Pool of Chi!! Based on the popular children's show on Cartoon Network, kids will be divided into teams that represent one of the 8 most popular tribes in the show: Gorillas, Crocodiles, Wolves, Rhino, Bears, Wolves, Eagles, and Lions. Each "tribe" will have a special team name and learn a unique martial arts form/ combo based on the animal! Whichever team wins the team competition will help their favorite tribe move on to the championship round to see who will win control of the Sacred Pool of Chi! Note, this event is one of three. The first event is 4 challenges, the next is 3 challenges, and the last is the Semi-Finals and Finals!  All winners in the final competition will win special Chima prizes and everyone that attends will receive a chance to win an official Lego Playset!

September 21st - Fall Fest and "Be a Healthy Family Day."  A few months ago I went to the Elkton Alliance to do an event for the entire county that will set the example for healthy lifestyles in Cecil County.  With an attendance of approximately 8,000 people, I am organizing a day-full of events that will benefit every person.  To make it happen, I need the help of a lot of the families at ATA Elkton.  I'm looking for adults that know how to grill and volunteers for basic duties at the event!  Please let me know if you are available!  We will also be hosting our "Success Course for Keeping A+ Grades" that day which is our way to inspire kids to do their best in school using a fun and motivational martial arts class.

For the rest of our events, visit our event page at http://www.facebook.com/ataelkton/events

Note & Upcoming: We are redesigning our Life Skill program to make it more disciplined and powerful to influence students to have good character, stay tuned!  Our attendance card "station" will be up and running right after belt promotions.

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