Friday, August 26, 2011

What Hurricane?

Hurricane Irene is heading our way!  Saturday, the meteorologists are predicting some crazy weather including lighting, thunder, power outages, winds up to 65 mph, and 100% chance of rain.  Since we want to have at least 100 people watching testing, we will postpone Saturday's Testing until later on in the week (schedule of events is below).  An abbreviated schedule will take place on Saturday (check below for that) so that some students may still train.  Why don't we just do testing anyway?  Because we want grandma, aunt, uncle, friends and everyone to be there and we fear that the hurricane will make this special event less special.  So make sure everyone knows about the change and you spend the next few days inviting more people to the special day.

Since we scheduled our Belt Promotions on the same day that Ms. Irene is coming to visit, check out for posts relating to the storm.  We will POSTPONE Color Belt testing until next week.  Here is the new schedule of events:

Friday, August 26 - All Black Belts Testing from 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Tuesday, August 30 -
Camo through Red Belt Testing (All Ages including Tigers): from 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday, August 31 -
White through Yellow Belt Testing (All Ages including Tigers): from 5:30pm - 6:30pm

In preparation, visit this on "yahoo answers:"  What should I have in my emergency kit for Hurricane Irene? 

The ATA School will be open on Saturday and have these classes:
9:30am - All Ranks Tiny Tigers
10:00am - White, Orange, and Yellow Belts
10:45am - Camo through Red/ Black Belts
11:30am - All Black Belts

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